Cloud Resume Challenge

April 2023
Magical things happen in the "cloud".

Built a static webpage to host my resume utilizing AWS Route 53, S3, CloudFront, Certificate Manager, DynamoDB, API Gateway, and Lambda.

Challenge Walkthrough

The Cloud Resume Challenge consists of the following:

AWS Cloud Practioner Cert

A bit challenging since I had zero experience. I used Stephane Maarek's Udemy course to study. Passed the exam with a score of 843.

Deploying Infrastructure

Steps to deploy my infrastructure:

Visitor Counter REST API with Lambda and DynamoDB

Steps to create the webpage visitor counter:

CI/CD with GitHub and CodeBuild

Steps to automate CI/CD:

The Finished Project

I made two different versions that acheive the same result:

For Version #1 visit The visitor counter is at the bottom of the page. The visitor counter API utilizes a monolithic function to increment and retrieve the count via a single API call. has been viewed times.

For Version #2 visit The visitor counter API utilizes two single-purposed functions to update and retrieve the count - PUT to increment the count and GET to retreive the count. has been viewed times.


The Cloud Resume Challenge was exciting, difficult and worth the frustration. Here is a list of modifications I would like to implement when I redo the challenge: